5 Ways Your Jewelry Business Can Benefit From A Social Media Audit - Smart Age | Jewelry Marketing

5 Ways Your Jewelry Business Can Benefit From A Social Media Audit 

By Emmanuel Raheb
Founder and CEO, Smart Age Solutions 

If you’re in the jewelry business, you can’t afford not to be active on social media. What better way is  there to showcase your jewelry store, new collections and styles? Social media is often the first place  that your audience learns about you and it’s the best opportunity you have to build a relationship with  new prospects. 

Although most jewelers have a Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or TikTok page, not many know how to maximize their potential. Given the level of skill, time, and resources it takes to gain traction on social  media nowadays, it’s no wonder that for many jewelry store owners, social media has become an  afterthought.  

Social media has evolved dramatically over the years and many jewelers have become frustrated with  the pace of new developments. To keep up with change, consider a social media audit which can help  you identify areas of improvement and where you can grow your social media channels. 

Here are 5 ways your jewelry business can benefit from a social media audit: 

  1. Uncover new opportunities to generate leads and increase sales.

Social media is the perfect place to improve your jewelry business and generate consumer demand. If  applied correctly, social media can quickly become a lead machine for you.  

First, always be sure to always reply to every comment on your posts and take note of how many  people are asking for the price of your jewelry or where they can purchase.  

Second, if you get a direct message from someone asking a jewelry question, it’s important to respond  the same day, typically within a hour or two. This is a strong signal of interest and shows their intent to purchase. Remember, if someone messages you, then they’re also messaging other jewelry stores. It’s  

surprising, but many jewelers wait too long to respond, losing the sale due to simple neglect. The  customer has gone elsewhere. 

A social media audit can help you track and quantify how many lost sales you could have had. With a  system in place, you can quickly recapture these leads. 

  1. Identify what social media success means to you.

How will you quantify your success on social media? Is it growing your jewelry store’s name? The  number of new fans or followers you gain? How many likes, comments, or shares each post gets? The average amount of post reach you have? The number of leads or sales you make? These are all key  metrics of how you can determine if your social media is a success. Whatever your main goal is, make  it your main KPI or key performance indicator to guide your marketing efforts. 

  1. Build your jewelry store’s brand.

A social media audit can also help you identify gaps in your jewelry store’s brand. Are your social  media handles, profile images, text, and brand voice all consistent? Are there differences between your channels? Is anything missing? Everything should be uniform and send the same message. If  something doesn’t match, it could cause confusion with consumers. For most buyers, jewelry is an  occasional (and expensive) purchase, and having a strong brand presence builds trust and new sales.  You are what you portray to the world. Make the most of it. 

  1. Learn about your target audience.

One feature of social media is the amount of audience intelligence it gives you. The control panel is a  goldmine of consumer information. It gives you key demographic data including gender, location, and  interests, as well as who is commenting and interacting on your posts. Distinctions vary across  channels, so a social media expert can help you get the most out of the data.  

Everything you learn in a social media audit can be used to adapt your marketing strategy and gives  you direct insight into who is following you and which styles they’re interested in. Used correctly, this  data can quickly become your most valuable asset. 

  1. Understand your competitors.

Competition in the jewelry business is a given. You’re not only competing with other local jewelers,  but you also have the larger, online jewelry companies to contend with. A social media audit will help  you uncover what your competitors are doing to succeed online.  

What type of content are they posting? How often do they post? Which styles do they feature? Are  they actively responding to comments? Are they using all of the newest social media features such as  tagged products or hosting live events?  

These are all questions to be answered about your competitors. It reveals not only their strengths, but  their weaknesses which you can use to your advantage.

A social media audit is a smart step for every jewelry business. Not only will you save hundreds of  hours trying to figure it out yourself, but you’ll uncover new areas to grow your social media channels  and jewelry business.  

Every dollar you earn by maximizing your social media results is a dollar saved from wasted  advertising. When done correctly and with a competent expert, a social media audit can very easily pay for itself. An audit also provides you with a valuable second opinion and you’ll quickly know how  your social media team is performing and where they can improve. 

The most successful jewelers invest their efforts focusing on what they do best, which is running their  business. Although social media appears “easy” on the surface, it can get very complicated, very  quickly. Especially, when you’re spending money to promote yourself.  

Don’t go it alone. A social media expert can handle your marketing for you. It’s not only makes sense, it’s an investment in your success. 


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