5 Tips To Manage Your Jewelry Store’s Social Media Accounts Effectively During The Holidays – Smart Age Solutions

5 Tips To Manage Your Jewelry Store’s Social Media Accounts Effectively During The Holidays

By Emmanuel Raheb
Founder and CEO, Smart Age Solutions 

Today’s customers rely more and more on social media to help them make purchasing decisions.  Whether it’s to do product research, get recommendations from friends, or browse gift ideas, social  media is influencing what, when and where people buy. If you’re not engaging on social media, then  you’re not reaching new customers. 

Here are 5 tips to help you manage your jewelry store’s social media accounts effectively to increase  your sales: 

  1. Work with a digital marketing agency.

Dealing with customers, ordering inventory, managing a jewelry store and running your social media  accounts can be overwhelming. Take some of the pressure off yourself and hire a digital marketing  agency. An agency will take responsibility for your success and allow you to focus on what you do  best. You’ll not only make more sales, but can enjoy time off with your family. After all, isn’t that  what the holidays are all about?  

  1. Manage your social media profiles.

Social media is often the first place new customers encounter your business. Ensure that you make a  good first impression by auditing your social media profiles. The three most important areas to review  are your profile picture, biography and company’s selling points. 

With your profile, you’ll want to make sure that your logo is your current one and isn’t out-dated.  You’ll also want to replace any photos that are no longer relevant. How do you want your jewelry  business to be perceived? Build trust and credibility with your social media profiles and make it count. 

Another area to review and update is your biography. This tells your customers all about your jewelry  store’s history and is the perfect chance to humanize your business. People like to deal with people  they know. Don’t be afraid to tell your personal story! There’s a reason why you got into the jewelry  business. 

And, of course, always make sure that the basics of your company are covered: address, telephone, and  open hours. That’s obvious!

The last area you need to manage are your company’s selling points. This isn’t to be confused with a  biography (although you may include some of your selling points as part of it). What’s important is  letting your customer’s know what makes your jewelry store special. Customers have unlimited  choices of where to purchase an engagement ring or gift for a loved-one. Why should they buy from  you?  

  1. Boost your visuals.

The holiday season demands holiday content. Customers expect it. Go through your photos and social  media timelines to see which jewelry styles have performed best. Take these styles and re-shoot your  photos and videos with the holidays in mind. Use holiday decorations, colors and themes to spread the  festive cheer! Stand-out in Instagram and Facebook and get people excited about shopping in your  store, whether online or in person. 

  1. Engage with your followers.

The holidays are all about friends and family. Community is a strong selling-point on social media.  When someone comments on your post, make sure you reply. Always answer any direct messages you  receive (preferably the same day). A fast response can mean the difference between making a sale or  not.  

Also, since your social media pages are public, other people can see that you’re responding and this  becomes powerful proof that you’re a business that listens to its customers and cares. The goal here is  to be accessible to your audience and the more you engage with them, the more they’ll engage with  you! 

  1. Schedule your content in advance.

Don’t leave things to the last minute. It may take you longer than expected to create the amount and  variety of content you’ll need. Always go for quality over quantity and create social media visuals that  you’ll be proud to share. By getting your content done early and pre-scheduling your posts, this gives  you more time to spend on other areas of your business and with your family. The holidays come at the same time every year. Use this to your advantage and start at least 3 to 4 months ahead of time. Even  June is not too early to be thinking about the end of the year.  

In closing, social media is a powerful marketing channel but only if you maximize your results. What  you put into your digital marketing is what you’ll get out of it. Don’t be afraid to get started on your  own or ask for help. Do what you can with the resources you have and use your current sales to fuel 

your future growth. If done correctly, social media should easily pay for itself! Follow these tips and  you’ll have a successful holiday season. 

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